What are we doing?
- Detailed monitoring of our waste, water, gas and electric usage to track reduction.
- All metal, cardboard and wooden waste is segregated and recycled.
- Zero waste goes to landfill from our manufacturing facilities.
- Rainwater harvesting and reuse scheme is being implemented in our test department where we perform hydrostatic product testing.
- A Building Management System has been installed at our UK manufacturing facility to optimise factory heating and reduce our Natural Gas consumption.
- UK electrical supply is 100% renewable, with zero carbon emissions.
- Factory and office lighting has been converted to LED, with motion sensor where practical.
- Waterless urinals have been installed.
- Installed on site charging for company electric vehicles.

Our goals by 2030


Reduction in water consumed per direct labour hour by 2030.


Reduction in electricity consumed per direct labour hour by 2030.


Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per direct labour hour by 2030.


Reduction in solid non-hazardous waster per direct labour hour by 2030