Public Health Valves

Hot Water Systems
WRAS Approved Valves
The Hattersley Public Health range consists of a number of WRAS approved valves specifically designed for the control of hot water systems. Offering self-balancing thermostatically controlled regulation of flow and thermal disinfection, assisting with protection against Legionella.
These systems are complemented by Thermostatic Mixing Valves which blend hot water (stored at temperatures high enough to kill bacteria) with cold, to ensure constant and safe outlet temperatures to prevent scalding.
Hattersley Public Health valves are ideal for a range of projects including healthcare, schools, workplace and domestic environments.
See the full Public Health RangeLegionella
Are You At Risk?
In Europe around 7000 cases of Legionnaires’ disease were reported in 2015, more than 400 of these cases were identified in the UK, with approximately 7% of these resulting in fatalities.*
Hattersley Thermal Circulation Valves are designed to be installed in hot water systems to help "keep hot water hot" so that the Legionella bacteria cannot survive.
*ECDC Legionnaires’ Disease in Europe Report 2015
Legionella - Areas of High Risk